Certified E-Commerce Consultant Project Management E-Business Certified CEC MPM CIPM Certification Certified International Project Manager
The CEC ™ Institute
The Institute of Certified E-Commerce Consultants
The Worlds First E-Business Graduate Certification
The CEC ™ Conduct Rules for Certification Use - How to Use.

John Doe, CEC™ on your resume and cards (use our red logo on your web site)

Jack Doe, CEC or PME or MPM Candidate

John Doe, Certified E-Commerce Consultant ™ on your resume and cards

John Doe, MPM, CEC Master Project Manager

John Doe, CEC™, PME™, CEA ™ on your resume or website resume

John Doe, CEC, CIPM, MBA while including Logo on your Business Card

John Doe, CEC, CHRA, MS Logo on Professional Web Site

John Doe, CEC, CMA and include Our Logo on your Promotional Brochure

John Doe, PhD, CEC Academic Designation from the ICECC

Jack King, MBA, CEA Certified E Marketing Analyst

John Doe, MBA, CEC-CSA Certified Software Analyst

Your license allows you to use the certified status i.e. CEC or other ICECC marks only as a professional designation and distinction on your resume. The ICECC must be contacted for endorsements of products and services such as software, businesses, textbooks, and universities. Permission from The ICECC must be gained before any endorsement or recommendation of a product, services, or enterprise is allowed. The ICECC does have annual E-awards for the top 50 E-Commerce Consultants in the World and the top educational institutions in the World in the field of E-Commerce.